Learn for Yechezkel Duvid Ben Yaakov Tzvi (Chaskel ZT"L)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 16 Av 5784 (Tuesday, August 20, 2024) sundown.

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2 siyums total

Tehilim Siyum is 50% Assigned
(15/30 parts)

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Tehilim divided into 30 parts. (as in day of month)

√ch.1-9 (part 1) √ch.10-17 (part 2) √ch.18-22 (part 3)
√ch.23-28 (part 4) √ch.29-34 (part 5) √ch.35-38 (part 6)
ch.39-43 (part 7) ch.44-48 (part 8) ch.49-54 (part 9)
ch.55-59 (part 10) ch.60-65 (part 11) √ch.66-68 (part 12)
ch.69-71 (part 13) ch.72-76 (part 14) √ch.77-78 (part 15)
ch.79-82 (part 16) ch.83-87 (part 17) √ch.88-89 (part 18)
ch.90-96 (part 19) ch.97-103 (part 20) ch.104-105 (part 21)
ch.106-107 (part 22) ch.108-112 (part 23) ch.113-118 (part 24)
√ch.119 (part 25) √ch.119 (part 26) √ch.120-134 (part 27)
√ch.135-139 (part 28) √ch.140-144 (part 29) √ch.145-150 (part 30)

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Submitted Comments

שלום שלום ב'ה
תיקון הכללי Tikun Haklali (General remedy) 32 41 42 59 77 90 105 137 150.
פרקים נבחרים Prakim Nivrachim (Selected Chapters to be said after the Tikun Haklali for a better effect) 31 35 36 60 68 80 83 88 89 109.
בהצלחה רבה ובסוכות טובות תמיד ממ"ש
כל טוב סלה תמיד ממ"ש
Jean-Charles, 30 weeks ago

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Current Signups

2Esti friedparts 27-28
5Esti Friedparts 1-3, 29-30
5Nahmanparts 12, 15, 18, 25-26
3Devora Spiraparts 4-6
      4 people signed up for 15 parts   export



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