לז"נ יעקב בן יוסף

Dear Chaveirim!

Over the past several years we have BH successfully completed several Masechtos in Shas together. We would like to now begin Gemara תענית, completing it by שבועות בעז"ה, in memory of our dear friend Yanky Cohen ע"ה.

Yanky loved coming to the Shul. Certainly with us joining together in learning we will be bringing much נחת רוח to his נשמה. In order to make this an entire Shul project, please select one Blatt only.

Thank you everyone!

To join this siyum of Talmud Bavli, please check the relevant dafim, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 7 Sivan 5785 (Tuesday, June 03, 2025) sundown.

Talmud Bavli Siyum is 40% Assigned
(12/30 dafim)

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Current Signups

1Menachem BerkowitzTaanis daf 18
5Eliran DahanTaanis dafim 2-6
1Moshe SilberTaanis daf 20
3nachman MostofskyTaanis dafim 15-17
1Shalom TybergTaanis daf 14
1Yochanan ItzkowitzTaanis daf 7
      6 people signed up for 12 dafim   export



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