Learn for Dov Ber Ben Mordechai Ha-Levi And Rachel Bat HaRav Avraham Yaakov A"h (Bernard and Elsie Flatow (parents of Roberta Flatow))
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

Roberta invites everyone to join in this annual summer Tanakh study and siyim and to dedicate their Torah learning to the merit of their personal choice, in addition to in memory of her parents a"h on their upcoming yahrzeits (Elsie - 22 Av, Bernard - 29 Av).

To join this siyum, please check the relevant boxes, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 29 Av 5783 (Wednesday, August 16, 2023) sundown.
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(4 full signups + 93 additional tanach Books)

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Bereishis (50) Shmos (40) Vayikra (27)
Bamidbar (36) Devarim (34)  


Yehoshua (24) Shoftim (21) Shmuel 1 (31)
Shmuel 2 (24) Melachim 1 (22) Melachim 2 (25)
Yeshaya (66) Yirmiya (52) Yechezkel (48)
Hoshea (14) Yoel (4) Amos (9)
Ovadia (1) Yona (4) Micha (7)
Nachum (3) Chavakuk (3) Tzefania (3)
Chagai (2) Zecharia (14) Malachi (3)


Tehilim (150) Mishlei (31) Iyov (42)
Daniel (12) Ezra (10) Nechemia (13)
Shir Hashirim (8) Ruth (4) Eicha (5)
Koheles (12) Esther (10) Divrei Hayamim 1 (29)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (36)   

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Current Signups

1Bill GreenbaumDivrei Hayamim 2
1Hadassa GerberYeshaya
3Jordan FerselEzra, Eicha, Esther
1Lawrence TeitelmanDivrei Hayamim 2
1Mitch GarbowNechemia
20Rachel Temima MargoleseYirmiya, Yona, Yechezkel, Hoshea, Zecharia, Yoel, Amos, Ovadia, Micha, Nachum, Chavakuk, Tzefania, Malachi, Yehoshua, Shmuel 1, Shoftim, Shmuel 2, Melachim 1, Melachim 2, Yeshaya
17Marty WaxmanMalachi, Hoshea, Mishlei, Amos, Yona, Chagai, Zecharia, Yoel, Ovadia, Tehilim, Yirmiya, Micha, Iyov, Yechezkel, Nachum, Chavakuk, Tzefania
21Netanya MargoleseYoel, Shmuel 2, Melachim 1, Amos, Ovadia, Yona, Micha, Nachum, Chavakuk, Tzefania, Chagai, Zecharia, Yehoshua, Malachi, Shoftim, Shmuel 1, Melachim 2, Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Yechezkel, Hoshea
21Aviva Rina MargoleseHoshea, Yoel, Amos, Malachi, Ovadia, Yona, Micha, Nachum, Chavakuk, Tzefania, Chagai, Shoftim, Zecharia, Shmuel 1, Yehoshua, Shmuel 2, Melachim 1, Melachim 2, Yeshaya, Yirmiya, Yechezkel
1Marvin GinsbergIyov
20Sarah Tovah MargoleseYoel, Amos, Yona, Micha, Nachum, Chavakuk, Tzefania, Chagai, Zecharia, Malachi, Shmuel 2, Yehoshua, Yeshaya, Shoftim, Yirmiya, Shmuel 1, Yechezkel, Melachim 2, Hoshea, Ovadia
19Avigayil Bracha MargoleseMelachim 2, Yechezkel, Amos, Tzefania, Hoshea, Nachum, Yoel, Chavakuk, Ovadia, Chagai, Yona, Micha, Zecharia, Shoftim, Yehoshua, Shmuel 1, Shmuel 2, Melachim 1, Yeshaya
26Rabbi Yoli MargoleseOvadia, Yona, Bereishis, Micha, Shmos, Nachum, Bamidbar, Chavakuk, Devarim, Tzefania, Vayikra, Chagai, Zecharia, Yehoshua, Malachi, Shmuel 2, Melachim 1, Melachim 2, Yeshaya, Yechezkel, Hoshea, Yirmiya, Yoel, Shoftim, Amos, Shmuel 1
1Shifra MargoleseEicha
7Yehuda Chaim MargoleseMelachim 2, Yona, Yehoshua, Shoftim, Shmuel 1, Shmuel 2, Melachim 1
1Michael LazarNachum
4AlexEzra, Shir Hashirim, Ruth, Koheles
2Eitan TalitDivrei Hayamim 1, Divrei Hayamim 2
1Tehila GinianTehilim
5Rabbi Ilan GinianVayikra, Devarim, Bereishis, Melachim 2, Koheles
1Daniel GinianNachum
1Abraham SetoDaniel
1Sarah Tova MargoleseMelachim 1
1Elisheva BrotskyTehilim
1Bluma Perl and Tehilim groupTehilim
1Deena SattlerYehoshua
1Alisa AdlerMishlei
2Rebecca LazarChagai, Zecharia
1Nechama BrotskyEicha
5roberta flatowDevarim, Shmos, Vayikra, Iyov, Tehilim
1Yocheved ReinsteinDaniel
10Yakima ColishMishlei, Iyov, Daniel, Ezra, Nechemia, Ruth, Koheles, Esther, Divrei Hayamim 1, Divrei Hayamim 2
5Jay MeystelShir Hashirim, Ruth, Eicha, Koheles, Esther
1Simcha BrotskyEicha
5Rabbi Yehoshua BrotskyShmos, Bereishis, Vayikra, Bamidbar, Devarim
1Michael LevyMicha
3Avigayil achaMargoleseShoftim, Yirmiya, Malachi
1Avigayil BrotskyTehilim
1Moshe KesslerBamidbar
1Irv ReinsteinDaniel
1Dara BlumenthalYoel
1Hadassa CarlebachOvadia
1Elyakeem KinstlingerNechemia
1Rabbi Yitzchak MarmorsteinYeshaya
1Ted CohenNechemia
1Judy JosephsHoshea
1Merle OsherRuth
1Danny FlieglerShir Hashirim
1Nechama Tzipora KesslerHoshea
1Josh AlpertShoftim
1Howard ZeiselYona
1Elayne CandiotteEsther
1Hindy ChanalesEicha
1Dora GreenTehilim
1Kayla CalmansonDivrei Hayamim 1
1Shira BrotskyShmuel 1
1Rabbi Avraham NewmanDivrei Hayamim 1
1Ron GoldbergOvadia
1Helene Sandy RhodesEicha
1Eric Chaim David TarganShir Hashirim
1Rabbi Ari GinianBereishis
1Rabbi Boruch Shalom WolfEicha
1Avrummy BrotskyShmos
1Dovid GottesmanAmos
1Akiva BrotskyBamidbar
1Noam SiegalDivrei Hayamim 1
1Rabbi Moshe StepanskyMishlei
1Shoshana AverbachChagai
1Tuvia RosenbaumEzra
2walter herzbergNachum, Chavakuk
      71 people signed up for 249 Books   export



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