Learn for Yitzchak Tzvi Ben Yaakov Koppel (Robbie) (Robert Leinwand)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

This Siyum of Tanach is in honor of our beloved Robert Leinwand (Z.Y.A.) We are going to try to finish by the Yahertzeit, in order for it to be a merit for him in Shamayim.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant Books, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 8 Adar II 5784 (Monday, March 18, 2024) sundown.

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Torah books (disabled)


Yehoshua (24) Shoftim (21) Shmuel 1 (31)
Shmuel 2 (24) Melachim 1 (22) Melachim 2 (25)
Yeshaya (66) Yirmiya (52) Yechezkel (48)
Hoshea (14) Yoel (4) Amos (9)
Ovadia (1) Yona (4) Micha (7)
Nachum (3) Chavakuk (3) Tzefania (3)
Chagai (2) Zecharia (14) Malachi (3)


Tehilim (150) Mishlei (31) Iyov (42)
Daniel (12) Ezra (10) Nechemia (13)
Shir Hashirim (8) Ruth (4) Eicha (5)
Koheles (12) Esther (10) Divrei Hayamim 1 (29)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (36)   

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Current Signups

3Dena FlaksNachum, Hoshea, Ovadia
4Elliot HellerYoel, Chavakuk, Tzefania, Malachi
2emuna shiraShmuel 1, Shmuel 2
6Sammy FlaksChagai, Divrei Hayamim 1, Divrei Hayamim 2, Daniel, Ezra, Nechemia
5Josh LeinwandShir Hashirim, Ruth, Eicha, Koheles, Esther
3Keith FlaksYehoshua, Melachim 1, Melachim 2
1Lauren SchneiderIyov
1Stephanie EisenbachTehilim
1Yitz PrusYona
1Jeff BienenfeldMishlei
6Yocheved BienenfeldYeshaya, Amos, Micha, Shoftim, Yirmiya, Yechezkel
1Yaakov Mosheh BienenfeldZecharia
      12 people signed up for 34 Books   export



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