Zechus for Am Yisrael

An initiative to perpetuate Achdus Yisrael through Torah as a Zechus for our brothers and sisters in Eretz Yisrael.

To join together as one Los Angeles-Pico-Beverly Hills community to learn and make a Siyum on Sifrei Tanach by Sunday evening, November 19th. The collective learning should serve as a tremendous protection and Zechus for all those in need in Eretz Yisrael. The Chayalim, hostages, and all our brothers and sisters should come home safely very soon. The Siyum is scheduled to take place at Adas Torah on Sunday evening at 8pm on November 19th.

וִֽישַׁבְתֶּ֥ם לָבֶ֖טַח בְּאַרְצְכֶֽם וְנָתַתִּ֤י שָׁלוֹם֙ בָּאָ֔רֶץ - and you will dwell securely in your Land, and I will grant peace in the Land.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 6 Kislev 5784 (Sunday, November 19, 2023) sundown.


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you may still sign up for more.
(1 full signup + 12 additional tanach chapters)

current signup list


Bereishis (50/50 100%)
Shmos (40/40 100%)
Vayikra (27/27 100%)
Bamidbar (37/36 102.8%)
Devarim (38/34 111.8%)


Yehoshua (24/24 100%)
Shoftim (21/21 100%)
Shmuel 1 (31/31 100%)
Shmuel 2 (27/24 112.5%)
Melachim 1 (22/22 100%)
Melachim 2 (25/25 100%)
Yeshaya (66/66 100%)
Yirmiya (52/52 100%)
Yechezkel (48/48 100%)
Hoshea (14/14 100%)
Yoel (4/4 100%)
Amos (9/9 100%)
Ovadia (2/1 200%)
Yona (4/4 100%)
Micha (7/7 100%)
Nachum (3/3 100%)
Chavakuk (3/3 100%)
Tzefania (3/3 100%)
Chagai (2/2 100%)
Zecharia (14/14 100%)
Malachi (3/3 100%)


Tehilim (150/150 100%)
Mishlei (34/31 109.7%)
Iyov (42/42 100%)
Daniel (12/12 100%)
Ezra (10/10 100%)
Nechemia (13/13 100%)
Shir Hashirim (8/8 100%)
Ruth (4/4 100%)
Eicha (5/5 100%)
Koheles (12/12 100%)
Esther (10/10 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (29/29 100%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (36/36 100%)

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Submitted Comments

Please note that I will be learning with my husband, Joel Storch and my friend, Rosie Merenstein. Terry Storch
Terry Storch, 2 months ago
I will be away the weekend Nov 19th so unable to be at the siyum.
Ilana Melmed, 2 months ago

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Current Signups

7Aaron KordaMishlei chapters 11-17
3Adam LewisYehoshua chapters 22-24
6akiva feinsteinBereishis chapters 6-11
3Alan TeichmanYeshaya chapters 18-20
11Michelle and Alan WillnerDevarim chapters 2, 2-3, 3-4, 4-5, 5; Mishlei chapters 21-23
13Alex FenigsteinShmuel 1 chapters 19-31
12Alisa BrooksDaniel chapters 1-12
3allan sassMelachim 1 chapters 10-12
7Ari MarkShmuel 2 chapters 18-24
4Ariela KauffmanYeshaya chapters 11-14
14AriellaYona chapters 1-4; Mishlei chapters 1-10
3Emunah FialkoffIyov chapters 32-34
11Azin DavidIyov chapters 12-22
3Batsheva KasdanBamidbar chapters 1-3
3Benny AdlerEzra chapters 3-5
3Bethia RabinovitchNachum chapters 1-3
1Chana Garmaise And Kaila R KaminkerYirmiya chapter 11
2Bonnie SiegalShmuel 2 chapters 16-17
4Yael BraidBamidbar chapters 33-36
10Moshe BenarrochMelachim 2 chapters 1-10
3ChanaBamidbar chapters 22-24
2Chana Garmaise and Kaila R KaminkerShmos chapter 32; Yirmiya chapter 10
5Chani EisenbergBamidbar chapters 4-8
1chavi jDevarim chapter 23
4Cheryl NagelBereishis chapters 33-36
5Chumi RosenbergShmos chapters 5-9
5Dahlia LuftglassShoftim chapters 1-5
1Dalia LaitinShmos chapter 33
4Dalia SilverShmos chapters 18-21
12DanielKoheles chapters 1-12
3Daniel GofmanIyov chapters 40-42
1Daniel GramaShir Hashirim chapter 1
6Daniel SilvermanHoshea chapters 3-8
3Daniella Deutsch and Rachel TellerShmuel 2 chapters 1-3
3Danielle FriedmanDevarim chapters 29-31
5David WaghalterMelachim 1 chapters 1-5
5Dina SpivakBamidbar chapters 26-30
10D SaltzYeshaya chapters 57-66
17Eliana PreroVayikra chapters 19, 23-25; Bamidbar chapters 9-17, 20-21, 25; Yehoshua chapter 14
8Emanuel GottliebMelachim 2 chapters 11-18
3Eric FihmanVayikra chapters 6-8
4Gary KaplanVayikra chapters 13-16
29Geri WienerYirmiya chapters 12-29; Hoshea chapters 1-2; Ovadia chapter 1; Malachi chapters 1-3; Iyov chapters 35-39
23Geula DickermamYeshaya chapters 27-49
1Gilda and Michel HazanDevarim chapter 1
3Haba dreisisYeshaya chapters 2-4
1Hannah GoldbergDevarim chapter 22
2Hindi PosyBamidbar chapters 18-19
1Ronita NooraniYeshaya chapter 15
6Howard SzaboShmos chapters 35-40
1Ilana DaftariYehoshua chapter 12
13Ilana GoldscheinNechemia chapters 1-13
23Ilana MelmedYirmiya chapters 30-52
1ISAAC WIENERDevarim chapter 21
5Ivor and Liebe GeftBereishis chapters 28-32
5Jack pollackBereishis chapters 1-5
1Jenous RaziIyov chapter 4
5Jessica KeetMishlei chapters 24-28
5Joe and Rebecca MobasserniaDevarim chapters 24-28
51Jordan LurieDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-15; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-36
14Josh KatzinDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 16-29
6judy milmanIyov chapters 5-10
3Judy MillmanIyov chapters 23-25
5Karen SismanShmos chapters 22-26
3Kathi BarnhardShmos chapters 10-12
5Kimia Tziporah NasseriShmos chapters 13-17
1Larisa YagolnitserBereishis chapter 22
1Larry AdlerYehoshua chapter 11
3Leora GanchrowMishlei chapters 18-20
9Leora GrodzinskiAmos chapters 1-9
43Liat ShamuilianYechezkel chapters 6-48
3Linda AbrahamDevarim chapters 18-20
4Linda Catalan SklarEzra chapters 6-9
3lindsay turkOvadia chapter 1; Chagai chapters 1-2
4Lynda BuchmanMelachim 1 chapters 19-22
6Malkah Naomi FeldmanBereishis chapters 12-17
3Mark AbrahamMishlei chapters 29-31
7MARK GOLDINMicha chapters 1-7
1mark hymanBamidbar chapter 26
2Meg FeitelbergVayikra chapters 17-18
149Meir NemetskyTehilim chapters 1-88, 90-150
3Melissa GruenfeldIyov chapters 1-3
2Michael LobodaBamidbar chapters 31-32
2Mina HymanEzra chapters 1-2
10MiriamDevarim chapters 32-34; Shir Hashirim chapters 2-8
1Miriam GreenbergTehilim chapter 89
4Moshe KupietzkyShmos chapters 1-4
4Naomi PreroRuth chapters 1-4
10Naomi RichEsther chapters 1-10
10Nava GelbYehoshua chapters 1-10
5Neal ShapiroVayikra chapters 1-5
3Nick JurkowitzTzefania chapters 1-3
4Paula Van GelderMelachim 1 chapters 6-9
3Rachel LewisShmos chapters 29, 31, 34
5Rachelle NeedleYechezkel chapters 1-5
4Rita WizenfeldShmuel 2 chapters 12-15
1Rivkah AfriatYeshaya chapter 1
4Rivkie SamsonYehoshua chapters 13, 19-21
9Robbie SassoonYirmiya chapters 1-9
3Rochelle KaminkerShmos chapters 27-28, 30
10Ronit KarbenShmuel 2 chapters 1-10
7Ronit Meitlis-Hofer (and daughters)Yeshaya chapters 50-56
7Ruhama MuskinMelachim 2 chapters 19-25
11Ruthie KellermanBereishis chapters 40-50
10Sarah MatankyBereishis chapters 23-27; Shoftim chapters 6-10
4Sarah NisselBereishis chapters 18-21
4Sarah pachterYeshaya chapters 21-24
6Batya CateMelachim 1 chapters 13-18
6Sarah RyzmanYeshaya chapters 5-10
1Shamekh RivkaIyov chapter 11
5Shawni and Jeff AstrofVayikra chapters 20-22, 26-27
3Sheldon KasdanChavakuk chapters 1-3
2Shelly BaseriYeshaya chapters 16-17
3Sheryl Neuman & Michelle WilnerMishlei chapters 21-23
18Shmuel levyShmuel 1 chapters 1-18
11Steven SilverVayikra chapters 9-12; Devarim chapters 11-17
3Susan chodakiewitzBereishis chapters 37-39
6Susan FinkIyov chapters 26-31
5Susan NachimsonDevarim chapters 6-10
4Talia LebovitzYehoshua chapters 15-18
1Tally KleinmanShmuel 2 chapter 11
2Talya WaldmanYeshaya chapters 25-26
4Terry StorchYoel chapters 1-4
14Tina LobodaZecharia chapters 1-14
22Yitzchak EtshalomShoftim chapters 11-21; Hoshea chapters 9-14; Eicha chapters 1-5
1Yona ConzevoyEzra chapter 10
      126 people signed up for 941 chapters   export



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