Learn for Aviva Golda Bas Yehuda (Aviva Rolnick)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

For those who knew Aviva Rolnick, she embodied what it meant to be an Eishes Chayil. Someone who put her family first and cared for each one of her children's friends as if they were her own. If you've been in the Rolnick home, Aviva had her own Beis Medrash, you walked into the study and felt her ahava for Limud HaTorah. We have decided to learn and finish Tanach in memory of Aviva Golda. Her Neshama should have an Aliyah.

To join this siyum of Tanach, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 27 Shevat 5781 (Tuesday, February 09, 2021) sundown.

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(1 full signup + 210 additional tanach chapters)

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Bereishis (50/50 100%)
Shmos (50/40 125%)
Vayikra (27/27 100%)
Bamidbar (48/36 133.3%)
Devarim (34/34 100%)


Yehoshua (24/24 100%)
Shoftim (21/21 100%)
Shmuel 1 (40/31 129%)
Shmuel 2 (26/24 108.3%)
Melachim 1 (22/22 100%)
Melachim 2 (33/25 132%)
Yeshaya (75/66 113.6%)
Yirmiya (55/52 105.8%)
Yechezkel (49/48 102.1%)
Hoshea (14/14 100%)
Yoel (8/4 200%)
Amos (9/9 100%)
Ovadia (2/1 200%)
Yona (4/4 100%)
Micha (7/7 100%)
Nachum (3/3 100%)
Chavakuk (3/3 100%)
Tzefania (3/3 100%)
Chagai (2/2 100%)
Zecharia (14/14 100%)
Malachi (6/3 200%)


Tehilim (181/150 120.7%)
Mishlei (31/31 100%)
Iyov (42/42 100%)
Daniel (12/12 100%)
Ezra (20/10 200%)
Nechemia (13/13 100%)
Shir Hashirim (18/8 225%)
Ruth (4/4 100%)
Eicha (5/5 100%)
Koheles (24/12 200%)
Esther (30/10 300%)
Divrei Hayamim 1 (58/29 200%)
Divrei Hayamim 2 (72/36 200%)

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Current Signups

8Abigail RochlinDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 6-13
8Adam AuerbachYirmiya chapters 16-23
11Atara GreenbergTehilim chapters 77-87
1Ahuva AbrahamYechezkel chapter 6
22alisa gellisTehilim chapters 32-53
9Alix KleinTehilim chapters 101-109
3Aliza goldbergShmos chapters 31-33
12Aliza OchsMelachim 1 chapters 11-22
3Aliza SchneiderNachum chapters 1-3
10Allie OrgenEsther chapters 1-10
5Alyssa &Atara FormanShmuel 1 chapters 17-21
4Alyssa & Atara FormanShmuel 1 chapters 23-26
9Amy and Kayla GibberShmuel 1 chapters 23-31
3AnonymousDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 3-5
4Tamar FelmanTehilim chapters 16-19
15Ariella PerlmanShmos chapters 18-22; Tehilim chapters 1-10
10Ariella ZwellingBereishis chapters 11-14; Tehilim chapters 54-59
3ArielleDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 8-10
6Arielle EpsteinVayikra chapters 1-6
2Atara KassTehilim chapters 88-89
5Atira ZeitchikTehilim chapters 1-5
10Avigayil AltmanMelachim 1 chapters 1-10
2Ayelet RichterShmos chapters 38-39
4Beth WittenbergMelachim 2 chapters 8-11
2Beverly GellerDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-2
6Bibi pavelBereishis chapters 34-37; Tehilim chapters 30-31
5Bina WeissMishlei chapters 6-10
4Carley PevenMelachim 2 chapters 18-21
4Chanie WeinbergerMishlei chapters 21-24
10Chantal polinskyYirmiya chapters 1-10
10BatyaDevarim chapters 1-5; Mishlei chapters 12-16
3ZRDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 5-7
5Miriam RabinovichShmuel 1 chapters 6-10
5Dalya GoldmanVayikra chapters 10-14
4Julia ReichelShmos chapters 12-14; Ovadia chapter 1
5Ava EdenShmos chapters 7-11
6Dana LissauerYeshaya chapters 31-36
5Daniella HollerYeshaya chapters 26-30
14Danielle MeroYehoshua chapters 11-24
6ksYirmiya chapters 46-48; Yechezkel chapters 19-21
5Denny KirschIyov chapters 30-34
3DevorahYechezkel chapters 37-39
4Devorah LevieYeshaya chapters 31-34
9Elana KaplanYechezkel chapters 40-48
11Elana NiknamOvadia chapter 1; Yona chapters 1-4; Chavakuk chapters 1-3; Tzefania chapters 1-3
5Elana RothenbergDevarim chapters 16-20
2Eliana and Becky WolfMicha chapters 4-5
12Eliana ShatzkesKoheles chapters 1-12
7Rivka HirschIyov chapters 14-20
3Ayelet ShieldsShmos chapters 35-37
5Emma KassaiYeshaya chapters 48-52
8Erica HilsenrathYehoshua chapters 3-10
5Estee BilligYeshaya chapters 6-10
7Esther FruchterNechemia chapters 1-7
4Evie Gutlove Emma KassaiYeshaya chapters 63-66
3Evie GutloveYirmiya chapters 28-30
3Zehava ShapiroShmos chapters 31-32, 34
4Esther FriedmanBereishis chapters 30-33
5Gabrielle AltmanShmos chapters 7-11
8Avigayil ScheinerShir Hashirim chapters 1-8
5Rachel SteinmetzBereishis chapters 15-19
5Anna GreenblattTehilim chapters 26-30
4Ayelet CasdenBamidbar chapters 13-14; Devarim chapters 33-34
3Hannah RosenVayikra chapters 25-27
4Isabel GoldbergYoel chapters 1-4
8Izzy SelterShir Hashirim chapters 1-8
2Agam AckermanYirmiya chapters 14-15
2Jason SulzbergerMicha chapters 6-7
3Jennifer SorscherYechezkel chapters 16-18
9Jordana LichterTehilim chapters 11-15; Ruth chapters 1-4
5Julia GreenblattShmos chapters 26-30
3JulietDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 11-13
6Justin SohnBamidbar chapters 16-18; Yirmiya chapters 11-13
7Kayla stelzerShmuel 2 chapters 3-4; Yeshaya chapters 16-20
5Kira ElbaumYirmiya chapters 36-40
6Kira ErberYeshaya chapters 42-47
4Leora (Mehlman) RosenbergYoel chapters 1-4
8Leora and Michelle GellmanDevarim chapters 25-32
3Leora FinebergShmuel 1 chapters 14-16
3Leora GrossmanYechezkel chapters 22-24
9LiatBamidbar chapters 15-23
30Liz pavelShmuel 1 chapters 1-5; Yirmiya chapters 41-45, 49-52; Yechezkel chapters 6, 14-15; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 14-26
2Lizzy GdanskiYechezkel chapters 4-5
4Hannah DaitchMishlei chapters 17-20
6Malka and AbigailNechemia chapters 8-13
10Maren ScharfEsther chapters 1-10
3marty finebergShmuel 1 chapters 11-13
5Maya MendelsonYeshaya chapters 53-57
5Menucha GdanskiYeshaya chapters 58-62
4Shani SulzbergerDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 14-17
5Michal HornBereishis chapters 6-10
6Miriyam GoldmanBamidbar chapters 34-36; Mishlei chapters 25-27
5Molly KramerYeshaya chapters 37-41
13NCRTehilim chapters 60-64; Eicha chapters 1-5; Divrei Hayamim 1 chapters 27-29
2Naomi SulzbergerDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 25-26
4Nechama SiegelTehilim chapters 20-23
3Nicole BermanYechezkel chapters 1-3
4Nicole KinchesDevarim chapters 21-24
5Nili ScharfYeshaya chapters 11-15
4Nina SiegelYirmiya chapters 24-27
3Nina SMalachi chapters 1-3
3NLDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 21-23
3Noah GreenblattShmos chapters 23-25
2Noya HanochYehoshua chapters 1-2
5Orlee RosenYeshaya chapters 48-52
9Orly KrauseAmos chapters 1-9
5Pamela PfeifferBamidbar chapters 15-19
4Penina TorczynerDivrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-4
12Risa FriedmanTehilim chapters 65-76
4Rachel GoldmanIyov chapters 21-24
5Rachel LeiserMishlei chapters 1-5
5Racheli SchachterYeshaya chapters 21-25
5Rebecca AdlerYirmiya chapters 31-35
12Rebecca AduculesiDaniel chapters 1-12
4Maty YoungewirthMelachim 2 chapters 14-17
18Rebecca KleinTehilim chapters 90-91, 120-135
4Rebecca ShapiroMelachim 2 chapters 18-21
2Rivka and Baruch and nechama steinMelachim 2 chapters 6-7
2Robin TasslerYechezkel chapters 7-8
5RuthiDevarim chapters 6, 12-15
12RWKoheles chapters 1-12
5Sammy FishmanChagai chapters 1-2; Malachi chapters 1-3
1SaraDivrei Hayamim 1 chapter 24
4Sara KnollIyov chapters 35-38
5Sara Leah BarishanskyTehilim chapters 6-10
11Sara WeitzDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 24-29; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 27-31
15SaralaBamidbar chapters 1-10; Melachim 2 chapters 22-25; Mishlei chapter 11
28Sarina KofmanBereishis chapters 44-50; Shoftim chapters 1-21
10Shaindi CyrulnikIyov chapters 1-10
6Shayna LeiserMishlei chapters 28-30; Iyov chapters 11-13
11Shifra BendheimVayikra chapters 20-24; Shmuel 1 chapters 17-22
12Shira AshendorfBamidbar chapters 11-12, 24-33
14Shira SchneiderZecharia chapters 1-14
20Shoshana LehmanBereishis chapters 20-29; Esther chapters 1-10
10Simone tasslerTehilim chapters 110-119
10Sophia AltmanEzra chapters 1-10
32Tali GoldmanBereishis chapters 1-5; Yechezkel chapters 9-13, 25-36; Iyov chapters 25-29; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 32-36
23Talya gellisShmos chapters 1-6; Tehilim chapters 20-25, 140-150
14talya gellisHoshea chapters 1-14
10Tamar FinebergEzra chapters 1-10
5Tamara and Sarah BerkowitzVayikra chapters 15-19
4Tammy ChesnerBamidbar chapters 30-33
24TehilaShmuel 2 chapters 1-24
4Tovah BlankShmos chapter 40; Vayikra chapters 7-9
4Tzirel ModlinTehilim chapters 136-139
5Tzipora LeiserYeshaya chapters 1-5
5Yael AttiasMelachim 2 chapters 1-5
6Yael GerszbergBereishis chapters 38-43
6Yael GoldfischerMelachim 2 chapters 8-13
3YAkira and Racquel HouptMicha chapters 1-3
3Meira BDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 18-20
6Yoav DeutschShmos chapters 12-17
59Yonina WeinbergDivrei Hayamim 1 chapters 1-23; Divrei Hayamim 2 chapters 1-36
3Zahava DavidowitzYirmiya chapters 24-26
18Zahava IsaacsTehilim chapters 120-135; Shir Hashirim chapters 1-2
15Ziva BibbinsDevarim chapters 7-11; Tehilim chapters 92-100; Mishlei chapter 31
4Zoey BuchsbayewIyov chapters 39-42
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