The 2023 Yavneh Minyan of Flatbush Chevra Mishnayot Program

Welcome to the Yavneh Minyan Chevra Mishnayot Program. Please choose a masechta from the ones available. If you have difficulty choosing, contact Michael Klein at (347) 425-5118, or email him at The siyum is planned for September.

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant Tractates, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 23 Elul 5783 (Saturday, September 09, 2023) sundown.

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you may still sign up for more.

current signup list


Berachos (9) Peah (8) Demai (7)
Kilaim (9) Sheviis (10) Terumos (11)
Maasros (5) Maaser Sheini (5) Challah (4)
Orlah (3) Bikkurim (4)  


Shabbos (24) Eruvin (10) Pesachim (10)
Shekalim (8) Yoma (8) Sukkah (5)
Beitzah (5) Rosh Hashanah (4) Taanis (4)
Megillah (4) Moed Katan (3) Chagigah (3)


Yevamos (16) Kesuvos (13) Nedarim (11)
Nazir (9) Sotah (9) Gittin (9)
Kiddushin (4)   


Bava Kamma (10) Bava Metzia (10) Bava Basra (10)
Sanhedrin (11) Makkos (3) Shevuos (8)
Edyos (8) Avodah Zarah (5) Avot (6)
Horayos (3)   

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

1Alan MagillNedarim
1Alan J ShuchatowitzGittin
1Marc KuninTaanis
1avrom millerEdyos
1Barbara ShermanKiddushin
1Chaim BerglasSukkah
1Chaye KohlBeitzah
1David RosenfeldMaasros
1Debra Fran BakerBerachos
1Frieda HornestayBikkurim
1Geoffrey CarmanSotah
1Elliot carmanHorayos
1Gil GolanRosh Hashanah
1Gordon Kraus-FriedbergNazir
1Jonathan J BakerEruvin
1Joy FeinbergShabbos
1Leah BennettMakkos
4Lynne CassoutoChallah, Kilaim, Yoma, Megillah
1Scott FeinbergMoed Katan
1Michael KleinSanhedrin
1Michael NaimarkBava Metzia
1Michael TroyPeah
1michele choinaShevuos
1Moshe IsaacsKesuvos
1moshe sokolAvodah Zarah
1Paul GevertzmanTerumos
1Rina BlechOrlah
1Robin KaplanMaaser Sheini
1Saul GubermanBava Basra
2Shalom EderyYevamos, Bava Kamma
1Sherri KoganAvot
1Shoshannah Brombacher PhDDemai
1Steve ZeftChagigah
1Stuart WeichselSheviis
2Uri MikhliPesachim, Shekalim
      35 people signed up for 40 Tractates   export



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