Learn for Baruch Mordechai Ben David Halevi (Malcolm Huglin)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

For Malcolm Huglin. A kind man who will never be forgotten and who left a smile on everyone's face

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 1 Sivan 5780 (Sunday, May 24, 2020) sundown.

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Kilaim (9) Sheviis (10) Terumos (11)
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Orlah (3) Bikkurim (4)  


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Shekalim (8) Yoma (8) Sukkah (5)
Beitzah (5) Rosh Hashanah (4) Taanis (4)
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Sanhedrin (11) Makkos (3) Shevuos (8)
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1Yoni MechlowitzKiddushin
1Aaron BlackChallah
1Akiva RosenblattMaasros
1ari majerTamid
2Ari MechlowitzTaanis, Moed Katan
1Aryeh RobertsHorayos
1Avi FineBava Metzia
1Avrohom KievmanChagigah
1Ben RoseMegillah
2BenjiPesachim, Sukkah
1Danny & Abie LiefmanShekalim
1Danny GoldbergGittin
1David HuglinYoma
1David MechlovitzEruvin
1David WolfsonSanhedrin
1Dovid TugendhaftBava Kamma
1Dovy RobertsEdyos
1Gary BrownKesuvos
1gigi mechlowitzOrlah
1Avinoam CzitronShabbos
2Dada ZiskindBechoros, Kerisos
3Yerschmiel, yaakov and EphraimYevamos, Menahos, Hullin
1Joshua HuglinRosh Hashanah
1Kalmy RobertsShevuos
1Mani PollakTerumos
3MBPeah, Demai, Kilaim
1Menachem JunikMiddos
1Menachem Roberts YerushalaimTemurah
1Michael (& Moshe) BenaimZevahim
1Moshe RobertsMaaser Sheini
1natan faglemanNedarim
1Sammy MorhaimSheviis
1Shmuel SackettKinnim
1Shmuli BrownMakkos
1Sholom WeissNazir
1Steve WisemanArakhin
1Tolly RoseBikkurim
1warren phillipsBava Basra
1Leon LuftigBerachos
1yisrolik kievmanBeitzah
1Yitzchok NussbaumSotah
1Yitzchok RobertsAvodah Zarah
1Yossi RobertsMeilah
      44 people signed up for 51 Tractates   export



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