Learn for פערל בת ראובן ע"ה (Perl Falkowitz)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit
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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 19 Iyyar 5780 (Wednesday, May 13, 2020) sundown.

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Berachos (9) Peah (8) Demai (7)
Kilaim (9) Sheviis (10) Terumos (11)
Maasros (5) Maaser Sheini (5) Challah (4)
Orlah (3) Bikkurim (4)  


Shabbos (24) Eruvin (10) Pesachim (10)
Shekalim (8) Yoma (8) Sukkah (5)
Beitzah (5) Rosh Hashanah (4) Taanis (4)
Megillah (4) Moed Katan (3) Chagigah (3)


Yevamos (16) Kesuvos (13) Nedarim (11)
Nazir (9) Sotah (9) Gittin (9)
Kiddushin (4)   


Bava Kamma (10) Bava Metzia (10) Bava Basra (10)
Sanhedrin (11) Makkos (3) Shevuos (8)
Edyos (8) Avodah Zarah (5) Avot (6)
Horayos (3)   


Zevahim (14) Menahos (13) Hullin (12)
Bechoros (9) Arakhin (9) Temurah (7)
Kerisos (6) Meilah (6) Tamid (7)
Middos (5) Kinnim (3)  


Keilim (30) Ohalos (18) Negaim (14)
Parah (12) Taharos (10) Mikvaos (10)
Niddah (10) Machshirin (6) Zavim (5)
Tevul Yom (4) Yadayim (4) Uktzin (3)

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Current Signups

2Aryeh Usher ShteselMaasros, Maaser Sheini
2Abe FalkowitzSanhedrin, Temurah
1Abraham FalkowitzHorayos
3Y BruerSotah, Zevahim, Middos
1Chaim Dov UngarTamid
1Avrum (B"R Zalmen Leib) GreenNiddah
3Avrum FalkowitzMachshirin, Taharos, Zavim
1Avrum SilbersteinRosh Hashanah
2Avrum yosef SilbersteinKinnim, Uktzin
1Moshe StrulovitchMakkos
1Chaim (B''R Zalmen Leib) GreenMoed Katan
1David Y FalkowitzHullin
1Duvid Yitzchok B"r Mordcha FalkowitzBava Metzia
1Efraim BreuerBerachos
1Yidel BreuerPeah
1Cheskel BreuerSheviis
1Getzel FalkowitzChallah
1Mendy (B"R Yoel) KleinTerumos
1Ari (B"R Yoel) KleinNazir
1Moshe Shmiel KohnShevuos
1Nusen Duvid UngarKiddushin
1Mordchai FalkowitzOrlah
3Reuven FalkowitzMenahos, Kerisos, Meilah
2Meilech OstreicherKesuvos, Arakhin
2Sinai GrossKilaim, Demai
3Moshe SilbersteinYoma, Sukkah, Beitzah
1Usher Meir FerenczYadayim
1Yitzchok Issac FalkowitzShabbos
2Yitzchok Yoel SilbersteinPesachim, Eruvin
1Yoel BleierAvodah Zarah
1Yoel Hersh BrownTaanis
1Yoel Moshe Falkowitz/Moshe Noach BreuerYevamos
1Mordechai YakobShekalim
1Yossel YakobBechoros
1Shimon YakobAvot
1Zishe Reeven YakobEdyos
1Zalmen Leib GreenMegillah
2Cheskel SilbersteinParah, Ohalos
1Nesanel (B"R Yaker) BraunBava Basra
1Eliezer Yaker BraunTevul Yom
1Mordche Duvid Schnitzler (20) Avrum Falkowitz (10)Keilim
1Mordche Duvid SchnitzlerNegaim
1Yitzchok Isaac FerenczChagigah
1Zishe SchnitzlerBava Kamma
3Chaim Sholme FalkowitzNedarim, Gittin, Mikvaos
1יואל ווייסBikkurim
      46 people signed up for 63 Tractates   export



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