INFUSING THE PASSIONATE TORAH OF MORASHA INFUSING THE PASSIONATE TORAH OF MORASHA When Sifrei Torah are consumed by fire, it awakens us to the value that we put to them and the Torah they hold. It makes us think, how much fire,passion, commitment do we put into the Torah that we learn and the Torah that we live.
The purpose of these Siyumim is to infuse into the world some of the kedusha that was lost on Tuesday night 4 December, the third night of Chanukah, when Beit Midrash Morasha of Cape Town was destroyed by fire and 7 sifrei Torah were consumed. Let's consume these words of Torah over the next 12 months to 3rd night of Chanukah 2019 (24 December 2019) with the burning passion of love for Torah, Community, Am Yisrael and Eretz Yisrael and in so doing bring that kedusha back. So choose what you wish Chumash, Tanach, Mishna or Gemarah. You can do as little as a chapter or as much as a tractate. Whatever it is and in whatever language you are able to learn, join the Cape Town community as we rebuild Our Morasha together.
To join this siyum, please check the relevant boxes, enter your name and email address and submit.
Assignment should be completed bli neder by 7 Kislev 5781 (Monday, November 23, 2020) sundown.