Learn for Yitzchak Moshe Ben Yisrael (Mervyn Davidson)
Shloshim/ Yartzheit

In the recent loss of Mervyn Davidson (Yitzchak Moshe ben Yisrael) - a loving husband, father, and grandfather - we lost a legend.

Mervyn was very driven and focused but most of all, he was passionate. Passionate about family, about life and about Judaism.

It is therefore with passion that we wish to do something to elevate his soul and perpetuate his legacy.

It is a great honour for the departed soul when Torah is studied in its merit. In addition, the word "Mishna" has the same letters as the Hebrew word "Neshama" (soul), for the soul is elevated through those who study Torah for its sake.

For this reason, it is customary to study Mishnayos, and we pray that in the merit of our combined learning, the soul of Yitzchak Moshe ben Yisrael should receive comfort and blessing in the World to Come.

If you can, please sign up for as many Perakim (Chapters) as you can manage before Friday 3rd August.

You can study it in Hebrew or read it in English. The link below provides the text of all the Mishnayos in both languages.

Please have Yitzchak Moshe ben Yisrael in mind while learning.

Thank you!


To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 22 Av 5778 (Friday, August 03, 2018) sundown.

Mishna Siyum is 49.3% Assigned
(80/162 chapters)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)


all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Martin Elvey
√ ch.2 - Refoel Elvey
√ ch.3 - Refoel Elvey
√ ch.4 - Refoel Elvey
√ ch.5 - Refoel Elvey
ch.6 (10)
ch.7 (4)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (7)
ch.10 (6)
ch.11 (6)
√ ch.12 - Dani Brett
√ ch.13 - Dani Brett
√ ch.14 - Dani Brett
√ ch.15 - Dani Brett
√ ch.16 - Dani Brett
√ ch.17 - Dani Brett
√ ch.18 - Dani Brett
ch.19 (6)
ch.20 (5)
ch.21 (3)
ch.22 (6)
ch.23 (5)
ch.24 (5)
√ ch.1 - Eli Grunewald
√ ch.2 - Abba
√ ch.3 - Abba
√ ch.4 - Abba
√ ch.5 - Abba
√ ch.6 - Abba
√ ch.7 - Abba
√ ch.8 - Abba
√ ch.9 - Abba
√ ch.10 - Abba
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (8)
ch.3 (8)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (10)
√ ch.6 - Dani Brett
√ ch.7 - Dani Brett
√ ch.8 - Dani Brett
√ ch.9 - Dani Brett
√ ch.10 - Dani Brett
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Eli Grunewald
√ ch.2 - Eli Grunewald
√ ch.3 - Yossi
√ ch.4 - Yossi
√ ch.5 - Yossi
√ ch.6 - Yossi
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (8)
√ ch.1 - Abba
√ ch.2 - Abba
√ ch.3 - Abba
√ ch.4 - Abba
√ ch.5 - Abba
√ ch.6 - Abba
√ ch.7 - Abba
√ ch.8 - Abba
√ ch.1 - Rafi Davidson
√ ch.2 - Rafi Davidson
√ ch.3 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.4 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.5 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.1 - Aharon Altman
√ ch.2 - Aharon Altman
√ ch.3 - Aharon Altman
√ ch.4 - Aharon Altman
√ ch.5 - Aharon Altman
Rosh Hashanah
√ ch.1 - Yehuda Brecher
√ ch.2 - Yehuda Brecher
√ ch.3 - Yehuda Brecher
√ ch.4 - Yehuda Brecher
√ ch.1 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.2 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.3 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.4 - Ben Elvey
√ ch.1 - Lazer
√ ch.2 - Lazer
√ ch.3 - Lazer
√ ch.4 - Lazer
Moed Katan
√ ch.1 - Elny Cohn
√ ch.2 - Elny Cohn
√ ch.3 - Elny Cohn
√ ch.1 - Abba
√ ch.2 - Abba
√ ch.3 - Abba

Seder Nashim (disabled)


Bava Kamma
all unchecked
ch.1 (4)
ch.2 (6)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (7)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (7)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (12)
ch.10 (10)
Bava Metzia
all unchecked
ch.1 (8)
ch.2 (11)
ch.3 (12)
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (11)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (9)
ch.9 (13)
ch.10 (6)
Bava Basra
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Saul Baron
√ ch.2 - Saul Baron
√ ch.3 - Saul Baron
ch.4 (9)
ch.5 (11)
ch.6 (8)
ch.7 (4)
ch.8 (8)
ch.9 (10)
ch.10 (8)
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Eli Grunewald
√ ch.2 - Eli Grunewald
√ ch.3 - Eli Grunewald
√ ch.4 - Eli Grunewald
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (6)
ch.7 (11)
ch.8 (7)
ch.9 (6)
ch.10 (6)
ch.11 (6)
√ ch.1 - Chananyah Yohoyokim Mendel
√ ch.2 - Chananyah Yohoyokim Mendel
√ ch.3 - Chananyah Yohoyokim Mendel
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
ch.2 (5)
ch.3 (11)
ch.4 (13)
ch.5 (5)
ch.6 (7)
ch.7 (8)
ch.8 (6)
all unchecked
ch.1 (14)
ch.2 (10)
ch.3 (12)
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (7)
ch.6 (3)
ch.7 (9)
ch.8 (7)
Avodah Zarah
all unchecked
ch.1 (9)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (10)
ch.4 (12)
ch.5 (12)
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Eli And Shevi Grunewald
ch.2 (16)
ch.3 (18)
ch.4 (22)
ch.5 (23)
ch.6 (11)
all unchecked
ch.1 (5)
ch.2 (7)
ch.3 (8)

Seder Kodashim (disabled)

Seder Taharos (disabled)

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Current Signups

5Aharon AltmanBeitzah chapters 1-5
7Ben elveySukkah chapters 3-5; Taanis chapters 1-4
3Chananyah Yohoyokim MendelMakkos chapters 1-3
12Dani BrettPesachim chapters 6-10; Shabbos chapters 12-18
7Eli GrunewaldEruvin chapter 1; Sanhedrin chapters 1-4; Shekalim chapters 1-2
1Eli and Shevi GrunewaldAvot chapter 1
3Elny CohnMoed Katan chapters 1-3
4LazerMegillah chapters 1-4
20AbbaChagigah chapters 1-3; Eruvin chapters 2-10; Yoma chapters 1-8
4Refoel ElveyShabbos chapters 2-5
1Martin ElveyShabbos chapter 1
2Rafi DavidsonSukkah chapters 1-2
3Saul BaronBava Basra chapters 1-3
4Yehuda BrecherRosh Hashanah chapters 1-4
4YossiShekalim chapters 3-6
      15 people signed up for 80 chapters   export



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