London Pirchim Siyum 5785 - Years 5 & 6

Instructions for Signing Up

1. Age-Based Sign-Up: Based on the school year entered in the original registration form, you will automatically be directed to the appropriate Mishnayos sign-up form for your son's year. Each form will only display the masechtas (or perakim within those masechtas) that are suitable for his year group.

2. Scroll Down: After selecting your perek, scroll down to the bottom of the page.

3. Enter Your Details: At the bottom of the page, you'll be asked to enter your son's name and your email address.

4. Click Sign Up: Once your details are entered, click the Sign Up button to complete your registration.

If you have any issues in selecting Mishnayos please contact R' Yaakov Greenberg on 07956101134 (not between 8:15pm - 9:30pm).

To join this siyum of Mishna, please check the relevant chapters, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 17 Shevat 5785 (Saturday, February 15, 2025) sundown.

1 comment

Mishna Siyum is 94.8% Assigned
(93/98 chapters)

current signup list

Seder Zeraim (disabled)


√ ch.1 - Dani Heimann
√ ch.2 - Yeedle And AT Luftig
√ ch.3 - Yeedle And AT Luftig
√ ch.4 - Mendel Grausz
√ ch.5 - Chezky Wilner
√ ch.6 - Moishe Maslo
√ ch.7 - Yehuda Zev Davies, Ari Fried
√ ch.8 - Shlomo Braun
√ ch.9 - Nochum Salomon
√ ch.10 - Nochum Salomon
√ ch.11 - Eli Simmonds
√ ch.12 - Zevi Schryer
√ ch.13 - Chaim
√ ch.14 - Yechiel Sonnenfeld
√ ch.15 - Chaim Tesler
√ ch.16 - Shimi Adler
√ ch.17 - Shaya Rowe
√ ch.18 - Yossi Grosberg
√ ch.19 - Azi Kramer
√ ch.20 - Moshe Nochum Bowden
√ ch.21 - Dovid Davies
√ ch.22 - Yossi Hoffert
√ ch.23 - Akiva Gottlieb
√ ch.24 - Avrumi Feiner
Eruvin disabledPesachim disabled
all unchecked
ch.1 (7)
√ ch.2 - Chaim Segal
√ ch.3 - Moshe Muster
√ ch.4 - Chananya Zucker
√ ch.5 - Yossi Chontow
√ ch.6 - Moishe
√ ch.7 - Yosef Sellam
√ ch.8 - Eli Bengio
√ ch.1 - Chaim Cohen
√ ch.2 - Shimmy Stroh
√ ch.3 - Boruch Prijs
√ ch.4 - Sholom Ungar
√ ch.5 - Benny Levene
√ ch.6 - Lazer Heller
√ ch.7 - Katz
√ ch.8 - Katz
Sukkah disabled
√ ch.1 - Moishy
√ ch.2 - Chesky Berger
√ ch.3 - Chesky Berger
√ ch.4 - Chesky Berger
√ ch.5 - Chesky Berger
Rosh Hashanah
√ ch.1 - Shlomo Gross
√ ch.2 - Pinchos
√ ch.3 - Yitzi Ehrlich
√ ch.4 - Shloimy Grun
√ ch.1 - Binyomin Bamberger
√ ch.2 - Moshe Goldblatt
√ ch.3 - Shloime Duvid Gross
√ ch.4 - Moshe Goldblatt
Megillah disabledMoed Katan disabledChagigah disabled

Seder Nashim (disabled)


Bava Kamma disabledBava Metzia
√ ch.1 - Shimshy Olsberg
√ ch.2 - Shimon Shalom
√ ch.3 - Shimshy Olsberg
√ ch.4 - Shimshy Olsberg
√ ch.5 - Berele Hochhauser
√ ch.6 - Ari Weinberger
√ ch.7 - Nosson Copeland
√ ch.8 - Yitzchok Wolinsky
√ ch.9 - Oshi Inglis
√ ch.10 - Shimshy Olsberg
Bava Basra disabled
√ ch.1 - Shimon Levene
√ ch.2 - Eli Brenig
√ ch.3 - Dovid Abenson
√ ch.4 - Yehuda Bengio
√ ch.5 - Yitzi Feiner
√ ch.6 - Yitzy Shaarjahsuv
√ ch.7 - Aharon Wolfish
√ ch.8 - Pini Strom
√ ch.9 - Yitzi Chontow
√ ch.10 - Yitzy Wolfish
√ ch.11 - Yossi Heimann
√ ch.1 - Boruch Arran
√ ch.2 - Michoel Neuberger
√ ch.3 - A Kirsch
Shevuos disabled
Edyos disabledAvodah Zarah disabledAvot disabled
Horayos disabled  


Zevahim disabledMenahos disabledHullin disabled
all unchecked
√ ch.1 - Meir Hochhauser
ch.2 (9)
√ ch.3 - Moishy Hirsch
ch.4 (10)
√ ch.5 - Shmuli Steinhaus
ch.6 (12)
ch.7 (7)
√ ch.8 - Sender Chalomish
√ ch.9 - Refoel Dovid Chalomish
Arakhin disabledTemurah disabled
Kerisos disabledMeilah disabledTamid
√ ch.1 - Uriel Berlin
√ ch.2 - Uriel Berlin
√ ch.3 - Uriel Berlin
√ ch.4 - Avrumi Rubin, Shloimie Rosenfeld
√ ch.5 - Avrohom Alexander Godlewsky
√ ch.6 - Chaim Kirsch
√ ch.7 - Ahron Elzas
√ ch.1 - Osher Levi Grayeff
√ ch.2 - Shimshi Grayeff
√ ch.3 - Shloime Baumgarten
√ ch.4 - Yiddy Erlanger
√ ch.5 - Yitzi Sulzbacher
Kinnim disabled 

Seder Taharos (disabled)

This Siyum is Closed to New Signups



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Chezky Wilner, 5 weeks ago

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Current Signups

1Aharon WolfishSanhedrin chapter 7
1Akiva GottliebShabbos chapter 23
1Yossi HoffertShabbos chapter 22
1Ari FriedShabbos chapter 7
1Ari weinbergerBava Metzia chapter 6
1Avrohom Alexander godlewskyTamid chapter 5
1Avrumi FeinerShabbos chapter 24
1Avrumi RubinTamid chapter 4
1Azi KramerShabbos chapter 19
1Eli BrenigSanhedrin chapter 2
1Berele HochhauserBava Metzia chapter 5
1Binyomin BambergerTaanis chapter 1
1Boruch ArranMakkos chapter 1
1Boruch PrijsYoma chapter 3
1ChaimShabbos chapter 13
1Lazer HellerYoma chapter 6
1Chaim TeslerShabbos chapter 15
4Chesky BergerBeitzah chapters 2-5
1Chezky WilnerShabbos chapter 5
1Dani HeimannShabbos chapter 1
1Dovid AbensonSanhedrin chapter 3
1Eli BengioShekalim chapter 8
1Yehuda BengioSanhedrin chapter 4
1MoishyBeitzah chapter 1
1Chaim cohenYoma chapter 1
1Chaim SegalShekalim chapter 2
1Eli SimmondsShabbos chapter 11
1Nosson CopelandBava Metzia chapter 7
1Yossi GrosbergShabbos chapter 18
2KatzYoma chapters 7-8
1Meir HochhauserBechoros chapter 1
1Shimi adlerShabbos chapter 16
1Mendel GrauszShabbos chapter 4
1Michoel NeubergerMakkos chapter 2
1MoisheShekalim chapter 6
2Yeedle and AT LuftigShabbos chapters 2-3
1moishe masloShabbos chapter 6
1Shaya RoweShabbos chapter 17
2Moshe GoldblattTaanis chapters 2, 4
1A KirschMakkos chapter 3
1Chaim KirschTamid chapter 6
1Moshe MusterShekalim chapter 3
1moishy hirschBechoros chapter 3
1Yitzchok WolinskyBava Metzia chapter 8
1Chananya ZuckerShekalim chapter 4
1Moshe Nochum BowdenShabbos chapter 20
1Benny LeveneYoma chapter 5
1Osher Levi GrayeffMiddos chapter 1
1Shimshi GrayeffMiddos chapter 2
1Oshi InglisBava Metzia chapter 9
1Pini StromSanhedrin chapter 8
1Sender ChalomishBechoros chapter 8
1Refoel Dovid ChalomishBechoros chapter 9
1Shimmy strohYoma chapter 2
1Shimon LeveneSanhedrin chapter 1
1Shimon ShalomBava Metzia chapter 2
4shimshy olsbergBava Metzia chapters 1, 3-4, 10
1Shloime BaumgartenMiddos chapter 3
1Shloime Duvid GrossTaanis chapter 3
1Yitzy shaarjahsuvSanhedrin chapter 6
1Shloimie RosenfeldTamid chapter 4
1Shloimy GrunRosh Hashanah chapter 4
1Shlomo BraunShabbos chapter 8
1Shlomo GrossRosh Hashanah chapter 1
1Sholom UngarYoma chapter 4
1Yossi ChontowShekalim chapter 5
3Uriel BerlinTamid chapters 1-3
1pinchosRosh Hashanah chapter 2
1Yechiel SonnenfeldShabbos chapter 14
1Shmuli SteinhausBechoros chapter 5
1Yiddy ErlangerMiddos chapter 4
1Yitzi ChontowSanhedrin chapter 9
1Yehuda Zev DaviesShabbos chapter 7
1Dovid DaviesShabbos chapter 21
1Yitzi EhrlichRosh Hashanah chapter 3
1yitzi feinerSanhedrin chapter 5
1Yitzi SulzbacherMiddos chapter 5
1Yitzy wolfishSanhedrin chapter 10
1Yosef sellamShekalim chapter 7
1Ahron ElzasTamid chapter 7
1Yossi HeimannSanhedrin chapter 11
2Nochum SalomonShabbos chapters 9-10
1Zevi SchryerShabbos chapter 12
      83 people signed up for 95 chapters   export



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