Brotherhood Siyyum in Honour of Rabbi Rosenberg

28th Annual Brotherhood Siyyum in Honour of Rabbi Rosenberg

Thursday, June 13, 2024 / 7 Sivan 5784

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Assignment should be completed bli neder by 7 Sivan 5784 (Thursday, June 13, 2024) sundown.
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Bereishis (146) Noach (153) Lech Lecha (126)
Vayera (147) Chayei Sarah (105) Toldos (106)
Vayetzei (148) Vayishlach (154) Vayeshev (112)
Miketz (147) Vayigash (106) Vayechi (85)


Shemos (124) Vaeira (121) Bo (105)
Beshalach (116) Yisro (72) Mishpatim (118)
Terumah (96) Tetzaveh (101) Ki Sisa (139)
Vayakhel (122) Pekudei (92)  


Vayikra (111) Tzav (96) Shemini (91)
Tazria (67) Metzora (90) Acharei Mos (80)
Kedoshim (64) Emor (124) Behar (57)
Bechukotai (78)   


Bamidbar (159) Nasso (176) Behaaloscha (136)
Shlach Lecha (119) Korach (95) Chukas (87)
Balak (104) Pinchas (168) Matos (112)
Masei (132)   


Devarim (105) Vaeschanan (118) Eikev (111)
Re-eh (126) Shoftim (97) Ki Seitzei (110)
Ki Savo (122) Nitzavim (40) Vayeilech (30)
Haazinu (52) Zos HaBracha (41)  

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Current Signups

1Ahron SonenbergTetzaveh
1Alan SteinfeldHaazinu
1Arthur RosenzweigShlach
1Avi DeutschPekudei
1Cyril BrenmanShemos
1Danny BergerAcharei Mos
2David SonenbergKi Sisa, Bamidbar
1Gaby FriedmannZos HaBracha
2Harold ReiterNitzavim, Vayeilech
1Howard HalpernBalak
1Izzy L KutnowskiBehar
27Jack LefkowitzKi Seitzei, Miketz, Ki Savo, Vayigash, Vayakhel, Vaeira, Shemini, Bo, Beshalach, Yisro, Mishpatim, Bereishis, Noach, Vayikra, Lech Lecha, Tzav, Vayera, Metzora, Chayei Sarah, Emor, Toldos, Matos, Vayetzei, Masei, Vayishlach, Re-eh, Vayeshev
4Josh GutenbergBehaaloscha, Korach, Chukas, Nasso
1larry weissmannVayechi
1lawrence LevineShoftim
1Leon Judah GenesoveKedoshim
1Martin RosenTazria
1Peter SomersPinchas
1Robert LibmanTerumah
3Simcha, Zahava & Gavriel YungerDevarim, Vaeschanan, Eikev
1Yehuda DeutschBechukotai
      21 people signed up for 54 parshas   export



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