Beracha Hatzlacha veShemiras for the Jews in Ukraine

For the supports of our holies and pures Brothers and sisters in Ukraine b'chasdei Hashem bezechus Hakol HaTzadikim veBirkat HaTorah HaQedusha veHaTehorah

Tikun Haklali 16 32 41 42 59 77 90 105 137 150 (Rabbenu HaQadoch veHanorah Rabbi Nachman ben Simcha ben Feigue zatsal)

Prakim Nivrachim 31 35 36 60 68 80 83 88 89 109 (HaRav Eliezer ben Ettya ben Chaim Berland shlita)

Tikun HaNefesh 1 6 20 24 67 91 100 111 121 144 145 150 (HaRav Yochiahou Yossef Pinto ben Rabbanite Zahri Pinto shlita, pessukim before and after Tehilim)

Sefer Devarim HaShalem on Shabbos Kodesh + the 55 last verses from Patashay Haazinu 32:39 to the end

חזק ואמץ ממש תודה רבה לאל ממש

תודה רבה לאל ממש

תודה רבה להקב'ה

טוב לי ממש

Tziku leMitsvot ממש

Kol touv selah spiritual and material always ממש

To join this siyum, please check the relevant boxes, enter your name and email address and submit.

Assignment should be completed bli neder by 14 Nisan 5782 (Friday, April 15, 2022) sundown.
2 siyums total + Mitzvot Signup

Chumash Siyum is 24% Assigned
(13/54 parshas)


Bereishis (146) Noach (153) Lech Lecha (126)
Vayera (147) Chayei Sarah (105) Toldos (106)
Vayetzei (148) Vayishlach (154) Vayeshev (112)
Miketz (147) Vayigash (106) Vayechi (85)


Shemos (124) Vaeira (121) Bo (105)
Beshalach (116) Yisro (72) Mishpatim (118)
Terumah (96) Tetzaveh (101) Ki Sisa (139)
Vayakhel (122) Pekudei (92)  


Vayikra (111) Tzav (96) Shemini (91)
Tazria (67) Metzora (90) Acharei Mos (80)
Kedoshim (64) Emor (124) Behar (57)
Bechukotai (78)   


Bamidbar (159) Nasso (176) Behaaloscha (136)
Shlach Lecha (119) Korach (95) Chukas (87)
Balak (104) Pinchas (168) Matos (112)
Masei (132)   


Devarim (105) Vaeschanan (118) Eikev (111)
Re-eh (126) Shoftim (97) Ki Seitzei (110)
Ki Savo (122) Nitzavim (40) Vayeilech (30)
Haazinu (52) Zos HaBracha (41)  

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2 siyums total + Mitzvot Signup

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2Erez BaverPekudei, Vayikra
11AnonymousDevarim, Vaeschanan, Eikev, Re-eh, Shoftim, Ki Seitzei, Ki Savo, Nitzavim, Vayeilech, Haazinu, Zos HaBracha
      2 people signed up for 13 parshas   export



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